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Brain Island: Hyperreal City II  
(Adventure Game)

Brain Island: Hyperreal City II  (Adventure Game) (2020)


The narrative of this game is based on Brain Island: Hyperreal City ​(2019). ​Brain Island: Hyperreal City​ ​II (Adventure Game)​ combines the functionality of books and games. Through textual narratives supported by CG and animation, it develops a literary narrative like a movie. In this game, players will experience a virtual journey in the fantasy world constructed by the author from the perspective of "readers".



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 Trigger character dialogues for plots and use text commands to control characters and influence surrounding situations, thereby generating an interactive story. The player’s choice will directly affect the ending of the story. In the setting UI, you can view the detailed content of the game such as character illustrations, regional introductions and project content.

(this work takes time to load — please be patient)



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